Underground vs Mainstream Music

Music has been a form of entertainment and indulgence for centuries now and today the world of music is so vast and diverse that every other individual, has a different genre preference to suite their tastes. The sea counts to the unlimited waters of music available at a finger’s reach today. It was around the 1960s when electronic music came into existence and time has allowed for it, to evolve and gain an enormous audience. Electronic music is annotated most widespread and mainstream amongst millennials and the gen-z folks.

But is it? As is, electronic music is a wide umbrella term, harbouring over 200 genres and sub-genres. A handful of these genres thrive with utmost popularity, and the sounds of these genres are resonating through the walls of club culture, pushed through the Mexican wave created by the pop-culture and social media and that is mainstream music. Frank Zappa once said ” The mainstream comes to you, but you have to go to the underground.” And a whole world of underground music is out there, that is unheard by the common ear, that stays anonymous. It is one that does not care for approvals and is formed against odds.

Hence, the world of underground music, is treasure like a gem that is hidden below all the layers of the land. The finest of sounds put together, that contains the heart and soul of the artist, an art that is born out of passion and that which is unfiltered, it does not care about the expectations set by the mainstream media or popular culture.  This is an acquired taste. And every day, a niche community of artists put in hours of research and get their hands dirty to dig for the hidden gems of the underground. And these sounds of the underground are pure gold.


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