Making money from music

Artists, especially musicians, whether be singers or instrumentalists or percussion artists or in any way related to music, have been considered as entertainers and soul workers from the earliest of times. Even though they have been considered as an important part of the man’s world, yet they were never considered to be paid for their services. During the ancient and medieval times, artists were patronised by the kings and conferred a royal status. This thought process was imbibed in the modern times too where the artists could earn fame and recognition, but could seldom justifiably monetize their art form.

Till recent times, artists had to run from pillar to post, to the limited label and record companies and platforms available to showcase their talent, mould themselves as per the set patterns and ways of others and compromise on their artistic creativity and independence to monetize their art form and take up music as more than just a hobby, into a professional career-oriented domain.

But times are changing. The last decade has seen a stupendous change in the creative world. There are now several platforms to showcase the creative expressions and the talented work of artists. Technological advancement has played a major role in the dissemination of talent worldwide. Independent musicians can now release their music without the help of big banners and labels and also monetize their work. Several websites and platforms like CD Baby, DistroKid,  Amuse, Ditto Music, Spotify, Amazon Music, AppleMusic, YouTube etc. have empowered the music creators by providing distributorship and space to release their works. Policies like pay-per-click, live streaming, downloading and listening by paying, etc. have helped the artists greatly by creating a tangible value and thereby monetizing even the smallest loop or sample bits of their work. Musicians can now pursue their passion and get a promising career in this field.

These platforms also ensure that the art form is spread to various corners of the globe. This global exposure provides opportunities for paid live events and shows for the artist along with fame, recognition and creative satisfaction.


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