Ableton Live Introduction - Group Class

Module 8 - Exporting Files

About this Video

In this video we look at the basics of exporting your track to share and test out.

Module 8 - Templates

About this Video

In this video we look at saving templates and speeding up your workflow and productions in the future.

Module 8 - Where to Now?

About this Video

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Module 8


This Module's download contain 3 Ableton templates you can adapt to your production

1) Basic writing template - This a great template to start your production from. Containing all the common group and channels you will use to get your ideas flowing

2) A Vocal recording template. Head over to our members resource area to see a walk through video on how you can use this if you are working with vocalists or rappers.

3) 2 channel DJ template - Want to get started Djing with Ableton live this easy to use template. Head over to our members resource area to see a walk through video



Congratulations on completing Module 8.

Happy music making

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